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Our web site development process is divided into different steps/stages. This helps us to format the team effectively, and achieve maximum quality by adopting standards and procedures.

1. Analysis:

Once our customer started discussing his requirements, our team gets into preliminary requirement analysis. As the web site is going to be a part of the company’s marketing assets, it needs a complete analysis, for example: how the web site is going to help the business. The first important thing we do is finding the targeted audience; then, all the present information and data will be considered during the time of analysis. The analysis will be done in the way, that it may not be too time consuming or very less informative. Then our team will come up with a realistic plan for the project, which is the output of the analysis, to achieve such plan the team leader will discuss the result of analysis with the designers, developers and the technical officer of the project.

2. Specification Building:

Our Preliminary specifications are drawn up by covering up each and every requirement of the client; which includes the modules of the site including general layout, site navigation and dynamic parts of the website.

3. Design and development:

After building the specifications; work on the web site is scheduled. At first the website is designed by the designer which will be further coded by the programmer in coordination with the designer.

4. Content writing:

In this stage the information and the data related to the company will be placed in to the website on their appropriate places; besides placing the contents grammatical and spelling check will be also finalized in this stage.

5. Consultation:

In this stage the website will be shared with the customer in order to obtain the suggestions and the changes that the customer requests; once the suggestions and changes of the customer is applied, it will further move to the revision process, where the website will be redisplayed to the customer to know if there is further suggestion or not. Customer comments, feedback and approvals will be communicated by e-mail and Skype.

Throughout this stage the DITS team will develop test plans and procedures for quality assurance, to obtain customer approval regarding the website.

6. Testing:

Once the consultation Process is completed; an intensive testing of the followings will be done; Links testing, load testing, resolution testing, cross-browser compatibility testing and etc. once all the automated and manual testing’s are done without fail then the website will be finalized.

7. Promotion:

At this stage the website URL will be submitted to the search engine directories, such as google.com, bing.com, yahoo.com and ask.com.